5 Essential Training Accessibility Programs for 2024: Elevate Your Skills

5 min read

In a digital world demanding inclusivity, selecting the right training accessibility program is crucial. This article distills the essence of five standout programs that will take your content to the next level in 2024. Learn to craft training that doesn’t just comply, but truly connects with everyone, enhancing your brand and your reach.

Key Takeaways

  • Accessibility training is vital for creating an inclusive digital environment, enhances operational efficiency, and fosters empathy towards individuals with disabilities, while also ensuring ADA and international standard compliance.
  • The top accessibility training programs for 2024 include Digital Accessibility Foundations (W3C), UX Accessibility Masterclass (LinkedIn Learning), Mobile App Accessibility (Google/Udacity), Inclusive Design and Universal Accessibility (edX), and Accessible Document Creation (Deque University), each offering unique insights into web, UX, mobile, gaming, and document accessibility.
  • Selecting the right accessibility training program involves identifying personal learning objectives, understanding one’s skill level, considering learning preferences, and ensuring alignment with organizational skill needs, while certified accessibility professionals can enhance job opportunities and ensure legal compliance.

The Importance of Accessibility Training

Accessibility training is no longer an option; it’s a necessity. By opening the gates of your digital content to everyone, you not only comply with ADA and international standards, but you also create an inclusive environment that embraces the diversity of your audience. Obtaining an accessibility certification can further demonstrate your commitment to inclusivity.

Training aids in understanding different disabilities and necessary accommodations, fostering empathy and making communication easier with individuals having disabilities. This knowledge can enhance your brand’s reputation as it showcases your commitment to social responsibility and diversity.

Incorporating accessibility considerations from the onset of development can lead to improved operational efficiency and job performance. Utilizing an accessibility reference library can help ensure that these features are integrated effectively. After all, retrofitting accessibility features into digital assets may take more time and resources than integrating them in the first place.

Top 5 Accessibility Training Programs for 2024

As we venture deeper into 2024, let’s arm ourselves with the best tools in the accessibility arena. Here are the top five accessibility training programs that stand out this year, each with its unique approach to accessibility training.

1. Digital Accessibility Foundations (W3C)

Offered by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the Digital Accessibility Foundations course is a comprehensive program that provides an in-depth understanding of creating accessible websites. Among various web accessibility courses, this one covers web accessibility standards, WCAG principles, assistive technologies, and adaptive strategies within a framework of international standards, following the guidelines of the Web Accessibility Initiative, including the web content accessibility guidelines.

Not only does the course provide rich theoretical knowledge, but it also hands you the practical tools needed to make web applications accessible. The hands-on experience supports the fundamental concept of implementing web accessibility and website accessibility effectively.

The course incorporates content-rich videos, activities, and quizzes that facilitate active learning and self-assessment, ensuring you get the most out of each module.

2. UX Accessibility Masterclass (LinkedIn Learning)

The UX Accessibility Masterclass on LinkedIn Learning is a brilliant choice for individuals interested in enhancing their UX design and accessibility skills. The masterclass dives deep into core concepts, design techniques, and how to integrate accessibility considerations into user experience design.

The unique focus of this masterclass makes it a valuable resource for UX designers looking to ensure that their designs are not only aesthetically pleasing but also accessible to all. The shift towards inclusive design is a significant trend in 2024, and this masterclass is perfectly aligned with this trend.

By integrating accessibility considerations into UX design, you’ll ensure that your designs cater to a wider audience. This not only enhances the user experience but also broadens your design’s reach, making it a win-win situation.

3. Mobile App Accessibility (Google/Udacity)

With the proliferation of mobile apps, there’s an increasing need for accessibility training tailored to this platform. The Mobile App Accessibility course by Google and Udacity fills this gap perfectly. The course equips you with the knowledge to create accessible apps for both Android and iOS platforms, including:

  • insights into accessibility settings
  • features
  • audit tools
  • visual accommodations.

For Android, the course focuses on features like TalkBack and Switch Access while also teaching you how to test your apps for accessibility. With mobile accessibility becoming increasingly important, this course ensures that you stay ahead of the curve in 2024.

Understanding how to make mobile apps accessible is a critical skill in today’s digital landscape. This course not only helps you meet the needs of diverse users but also opens up your apps to a broader audience, enhancing their potential success.

4. Inclusive Design and Universal Accessibility (edX)

The Inclusive Design and Universal Accessibility course on edX takes a comprehensive approach to accessibility training, offering continuing education accessibility credits. It emphasizes the importance of designing products and environments to meet the diverse needs of all users.

The course covers a wide range of topics, including assistive technology, such as:

  • Assistive hardware and software technologies
  • Accessibility considerations for developing gaming hardware
  • Resources like the Xbox Accessibility Guidelines to educate about inclusive gaming experiences.

With a focus on collaboration with the disability community, this course ensures that you’re building truly accessible and inclusive gaming experiences. Looking forward, it continues to provide valuable insights on creating universally accessible products, maintaining its relevance in the field of design and accessibility.

5. Accessible Document Creation (Deque University)

The Accessible Document Creation course at Deque University is a specialized program focusing on creating and evaluating accessible documents across different formats and platforms. The course specifically zeroes in on creating and remediating accessible PDFs and electronic documents.

When you obtain the Accessible Document Specialist (ADS) certification, it shows that you are dedicated to accessibility best practices. Additionally, it confirms your proficiency in document remediation tools and accessibility checkers. While the certification comes at a cost of $395 USD, the value it adds to your professional profile is invaluable.

The ability to create accessible documents is a valuable skill in any digital profession. With the ADS certification, you’ll stand out in the job market as a certified professional and ensure that your documents are accessible to all, regardless of their abilities.

How to Choose the Right Accessibility Training Program

Choosing the right accessibility training program can be a daunting task. With a plethora of options available, how do you select the one that aligns with your career goals and learning objectives? Here are a few guiding points to consider.

Start by identifying your personal learning objectives. Are you seeking to acquire basic knowledge, or do you want to specialize in a certain area? Do you seek certification or skill-based learning? Once you have a clear picture of your learning goals, assess your current skill level in web accessibility. This will help you determine whether you need an introductory or advanced course to learn web accessibility.

Consider your preferred learning style and find a training program that fits this style. Does the course offer interactive and practical elements that suit your learning preferences? Also, evaluate the skills and knowledge level of your organization’s web developers or designers to ensure the selected training fills any skill gaps and aligns with their expertise.

Benefits of Obtaining Accessibility Training

Accessibility training offers immense benefits, both professionally and personally. It promotes a culture of inclusion and diversity, leading to better job performance and potentially higher employee retention.

IT professionals trained in accessibility, also known as accessibility professionals, can:

  • Better understand legal compliance with laws such as the ADA
  • Receive tailored expertise from specialized companies offering accessibility training
  • Enhance job opportunities
  • Ensure better compliance with federal and state regulations related to digital accessibility.

Investing in accessibility training can:

  • Improve operations
  • Save future costs compared to retrofitting accessibility features into digital assets
  • Benchmark staff progress
  • Demonstrate an organization’s dedication to building accessible environments.

Practical Tips for Implementing Accessibility Skills

Now that you’ve got the training, how do you implement these accessibility skills? Here are some practical tips.

Start by creating or selecting JavaScript widgets that are accessible and operable with the keyboard. Use ARIA landmarks in web applications to allow users to jump directly to sections of the page with a single keystroke. Ensure to provide visible indication of focus for interactive elements using CSS :focus for keyboard users.

Add labels to form fields using the HTML label element to inform screen reader users about the association between labels and input fields. Create meaningful hyperlink text that conveys clear information about the link’s destination, avoiding vague phrases like ‘click here’.


Accessibility training is a critical component in building a more inclusive digital world. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a newbie in the digital space, elevating your accessibility skills can drastically enhance your career prospects, boost your brand’s reputation, and ensure you’re creating products, services, and environments that everyone can access. With the right training program, you can unlock a world of opportunities and contribute to a more accessible future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is accessibility in training?

Accessibility in training means creating solutions that remove barriers for learners with varying levels of abilities such as vision, speech, hearing, learning, cognitive abilities, movement, and aging, among others. This ensures inclusivity and equal opportunities for all learners.

What are the 4 principles of accessibility?

The four principles of accessibility are known as POUR, which stands for Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust. They provide a framework for creating accessible web content.

Why is accessibility training important?

Accessibility training is important because it helps create inclusive and accessible products, services, and environments while fostering empathy and improving communication with individuals with disabilities. It also ensures compliance with ADA and international standards.

What are the top accessibility training programs for 2024?

Consider enrolling in the Digital Accessibility Foundations (W3C), UX Accessibility Masterclass (LinkedIn Learning), Mobile App Accessibility (Google/Udacity), Inclusive Design and Universal Accessibility (edX), or Accessible Document Creation (Deque University) programs for top accessibility training in 2024.

How should I choose the right accessibility training program?

To choose the right accessibility training program, identify learning objectives, assess skill levels, select a suitable course format, evaluate team needs, consider the complexity and size of web content, read reviews, and perform a cost-benefit analysis.